The Shared WIP Tag || {Week 3: Main Characters and Antagonists}

Ahhh, this was supposed to go out last Friday, but life y'all.


Anyways, really sorry about that. *shammmeeee*

But let's get to these questions about my MC and antagonists! I don't really have an antagonist that is like, one person. So I'll try to be as clear and vague as I can :P

Would you be friends with your MC? Why or why not?

I have two main characters, but my main main character is Adelina. And I would definitely be friends with her. She is a very hard-working person and she doesn't do anything by halves. She's also short like me. In fact, she is two inches shorter than I am (I'm about 5'2"). So I would be the tall friend *dabs*. But yeah, I would really like to be friends with her.

What would an ordinary day look like in the shoes of your MC?

Hm, well, Adelina's "ordinary" days changed drastically after a certain point, but I'll just tell y'all what a normal day would look like in the beginning. I'll split it into three sections: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening

Morning: Adelina would probably be up at the crack of dawn (can't relate) and grab a small bite to eat. Then she and her brother Gervase would probably go down to one of the barns and split up the work for the day and take stock of the grain and other things they have. Then Adelina would most likely go to one of the fields and work there till noon.

Afternoon: Adelina would go back inside, wash up, and have lunch with her mother and sisters. Her mother is very adamant that Adelina not work all the time, and do at least an hour a day of things that she would be doing (embroidery, painting, etc.) if House Monfort was as rich as other Houses. After that, she would do other things around the place.

Evening: Gervase, Adelina, and their mother would be balancing their accounts late into the night. They would have a light supper and continue working. Then she would go to bed.

And so that is a normal day in her life. 

You’re walking down the sidewalk when the villain approaches you and tells you he needs your help. What do you do?

Walk away.

What would be your first impression of your MC upon meeting them?

My first impression of Adelina would be that she was very gracious. Not very talkative, but not silent in a cold way. Like she was really trying to get to know you.

What would be your first impression of your villain upon meeting them?

Pompous jerks.

What would happen if you were stuck in an elevator with your villain for five (or worse, ten) minutes?

Goodness gracious me. I think that my villain may leave said elevator with a new scar or two. Or I would leave very angry.

What makes your MC most like you and least like you?

Well, we're both short and have dark-ish skin. Um, we're both quiet upon first meeting someone, but the longer we know them the more we open up. I would say that we differ in work ethic. I would consider myself a driven person, but Adelina is WAYY more driven than me.

What song or selection of words best describes your villain?

Hm....I found two quotes that I think describe my villains okay.

"The power-hungry individual follows a path to his own destruction - Adler"

"Those who have true power share it, while those who hunger power abuse it - Royalton Ambrose"

If your MC was teleported to your front porch, what would be their reaction (and what would be yours)?

I think our first reaction would be to blink at each other. Then Adelina would ask me a ton of question and I would answer them, wondering how in the hecc one of my characters got here.

If the antagonist had a dream come true, what would it be? (no spoilers!)

Well, the answer IS a spoiler. But, um, yeah. It would be power-based :P

Ahh, so sorry for getting this out almost a week late. But be sure to come back later for tomorrow's post on side characters. Here are the other participants' names and links!

How is Nano going for you all so far? TEN MORE DAYSSS WE GOT THIS!!!


  1. Don't stress about being late: NaNo be crazy like that. xD Good on you for standing up to your villain in the elevator! I wouldn't be that brave. :P

  2. "So I would be the tall friend"
    *sudden respiratory affliction*

    "wondering how in the hecc one of my characters got here"
    This made me grin :P

    "Adelina would probably be up at the crack of dawn (can't relate) "


  3. That would be my reaction to my villain walk or maybe run away.
    XD love the gif you chose.


Heylo there! I see that you're about to comment, thank you! I have comment moderation on posts older than 6 days only so that I won't miss it, it has happened you know.
