Dear Senior Year. . . {Part I}

Dear Senior Year,

Well, we're finally here.

Senior year.

It was quite a journey to get here, wasn't it? And yet, I'm just embarking on the trip that this year is going to be.

I can still remember my first day as a high school student. Looking up to those seniors, wondering how they got to be so cool and knowledgeable. How they seemed to have everything figured out.

And now that's me?

Do freshman really see the fact that I'm a senior and think, "Wow, she's cool. She's smart. She has everything figured out"?

That's hilarious.

If anything, I have nothing figured out. I know a few things that I want, but there are so many things that are hidden into shadows.

I'm scared.

I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I'm scared out of my mind.

I'm scared that I won't get accepted into my dream school.

That if I do get accepted, that I won't be able to pay for it.

That this year's schoolwork will be too hard for me and that I'll flunk.

So many doubts fill my head.

What if you get rejected?

You know those college auditions. . .what if you butcher them?

And I just want to scream and get them out of my head.

I tell myself that if I apply myself, I'll be able to overcome those fears and doubts.

And I smile.

Dear Senior Year. . .

Here I come.




  1. <3 This is so encouraging. Thank you.

  2. Ceci, this is amazing! <333 I definitely needed this for the new school year,

    1. Thank you, Nicole <33 Good luck to you too!!

  3. Well I'm no freshman but I do think you're cool and smart. :)

  4. MWAHAHAHA I graduated a few years back so now IM FREEEEEEEE

    -Me, as I get up super early and work 8 hours every day...

    1. loollll xDD

      It's like exchanging one thing for another

  5. Best of luck, you're going to do so well <3 <3

  6. <333 I feel you! I'm entering senior year myself, and it's terrifying. But you know, we'll get through it. :-)


Heylo there! I see that you're about to comment, thank you! I have comment moderation on posts older than 6 days only so that I won't miss it, it has happened you know.
