Sorry if that title threw you into a loop :P
So I know a lot of people throw all homeschoolers into the same category, they stereotype us. So these are
1. I don't have social media
But is that a bad thing?? I mean, it's not like I'm going to DIE because I'm not on Instagram
2. I love writing
How is this a stereotypical homeschooler thing? Well, all my homeschool friends write and kids that go to school always give me that "Aaah! It's because you're a HOMESCHOOLER" when I tell them I love writing.
3. I love reading
Yeah, I know that there are school-kids that love to read, but, c'mon, you put in "Stereotypical homeschooler" and you get "loves to read"
4. I've read all of Jane Austen's novels
In less than a month :P I haven't met a school-kid that has read all of them.
5. I've read LotR and listened to The Hobbit
OKAY. GIVEN. I JUST READ THEM. But at music camp I asked my friends there if they had read them and they were like, "Nooo...." I EVEN HAD A HOMESCHOOL FRIEND TELL ME THAT I WAS BREAKING A HOMESCHOOL STEREOTYPE BY NOT READING THEM.
6. I have a blog
Have you noticed that almost all (not all, but ALMOST all) of the bloggers here are homeschoolers/homeschool grads. Uh-huh, y'all can put the pieces together
7. I've seen all of the extended LotR movies
Who would spend all that time watching all of the LotR extended movies except a homeschooler who has read all the book (and then give out snarky comments and cry at all the right parts)?
8. I do school in my pj's sometimes
I've been caught....
9. I believe in God
So I know that not all homeschoolers are Christian's, but a good part peoples.
10. I play some type of musical instrument
My violin teacher was homeschooled, her mom teaches my siblings, and like half of her students are homeschooled.
11. If you play a composer I know well (e.g. Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi) without telling me who it is, I can most likely (90%) tell you who it is
We listen to a lot of classical music!
12. I wear a mantilla
So I know that this is more for Roman Catholic Homeschoolers, but yeah, a lot of Catholic homeschoolers (not all, a lot of my homeschool friends don't veil) wear mantillas.
13. I've read the Chronicles of Narnia multiple times
The Chronicles of Narnia is like the Lord of the Rings for younger kids. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THEM YOU'RE NOT A TRUE HOMESCHOOLER.
1. I actually have friends that are not my siblings
2. I have friends/come in close contact with "school-kids"
AND I'M STILL ALIVE. Yeah, I'm the only homeschooler in my orchestra, and then there's swim team, and dance. So I actually have seen a real "school-kid".
3. I listen to pop music
I've been listening to it for about a year, BUT HEY.
And not just Taylor Swift, BUT OTHER FAMOUS PEOPLES ALSO.
5. I actually leave my house a lot
Yeah, that thing about homeschoolers never leaving their house, listen to this: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we have to drive about 15 minutes to get to dance. Wednesday we drive 15 minutes to get to music and then later we drive about 25 minutes to get to orchestra. And then don't forget the Friday's we drive 40 minutes to get to organ. Right, I NEVER leave my house.
6. I have trouble with school sometimes
Yeah, not all homeschoolers breeze through school. Sure, 8 out of 10 I get A's, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T HAVE ANY TROUBLE WITH IT
7. I have electronic devices
Yep, the laptop I'm writing this on right now and the iPod I share with my brother (fuuun....)
8. I actually can talk to other people
A friend and I had like a 2 hour discussion on the Civil War. Go figure
9. I watch television
10. I don't live in a hut in the middle of the woods
Yeah, last time I checked, I lived in a pretty big neighborhood
11. I don't spend all my time studying
That's right. I read, watch TV, write, do violin, go to dance.
12. I'm not anti-social
Like I said before, I have a lot of friends, both homeschooled and non-homeschooled
13. I don't condemn people for not being a homeschooler
It seems like a lot of people think that homeschoolers find out that someone isn't homeschooled and goes, "OH MY GOSH??!?!?!??!?! ARE YOU STUPID???"
And, y'all, a lot of this was sarcasm.