That Mask You Wear || Poetry Wednesday {National Suicide Prevention Week}

That mask you wear
Cleverly crafted
To cover your pain
Muffle your screams

That mask you wear
Does it ever come off?
But not often

That mask you wear
It keeps the pain out
For a bit
But it always returns

That mask you wear
You make sure that
No one is around
When you take it off

That mask you wear
You take it off at night
Cry into your pillow
Wonder if anyone would notice
If you were gone

That mask you wear
You silently watch people from behind it
Gauging how much they would cry
If you were gone

That mask you wear
You're determined to take it off
Once more
Before you sleep forever

But please don't

We want to see you
See your smile
See your eyes
Hear your laugh
Witness your vibrant passion for life

Don't let
That mask you wear
Mask your true beauty
We love you
Even without it

This whole week is National Suicide Prevention Week. While I have been fortunate and have never had someone close to me commit suicide, not all are so lucky. Please spread awareness about this and just let people know that you are there for them. Most of the time we don't know the world of good we do by simply reaching out and sending a quick "hey! I was thinking of you the other day. how have you been?"

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please call this hotline (available 24 hours a day):



  1. Love this! Thank you for writing it. <33

    1. I'm so happy that you liked it! And you're welcome! <33

  2. Wow, I think it's amazing that you wrote this. It's such an important topic, and so so under discussed. I fear for so many young people (and older as well) that are really struggling to find their way and navigate the difficulties of life...

    I actually had a friend/relative that committed suicide. We were close when we were young, but lived in different states, and fell out of communication as we both got busy over the years. Then I received news from his family that he had passed away. Very sad.

    1. Thank you! And yes, I agree! It is very under discussed, and we never truly know how many people are struggling with this because we DON'T TALK ABOUT IT

      I am so sorry that you had to experience that! Whenever I hear of someone who has committed suicide, even if I didn't know them, my heart goes out to them and their family. It is extremely sad.


Heylo there! I see that you're about to comment, thank you! I have comment moderation on posts older than 6 days only so that I won't miss it, it has happened you know.
